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Utilization and cost of surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis in a commercially insured population

13 October 2015

Symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is one of the most frequent indications for spinal surgery, and the use of lumbar fusion surgery in the U.S. has increased significantly over the last 25 years. Current evidence suggests that spinal surgery for LSS is more effective than nonoperative treatment when nonoperative treatment has failed to relieve symptoms after six months. This report analyzes the frequency and cost of LSS-related decompression and lumbar fusion surgeries in a commercially insured population and the portion of cases that had a decompression or lumbar fusion in the preceding four years. This report also discusses the potential cost impact of replacing a portion of primary lumbar spinal fusion surgeries with decompression and the use of an intralaminar lumbar stabilization device.

This report was commissioned by Paradigm Spine, LLC.

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