Legacy liabilities
Actuarial and risk management expertise, so past events don’t become future concerns
From popcorn to PFAS: Guidance on all legacy risks
The full breadth of services to address your legacy exposures
Specialized tools for managing legacy liabilities
Milliman AccuCase
Milliman P&C AI Claims Solutions
Read more of our thought leadership on asbestos, black lung, PFAS, and other legacy risks.

Understanding the federal black lung adjudication process
Understanding the complexity and time involved in the federal black lung adjudication process is an imperative for proper claim handling.

Milliman PFAS liability estimate, pt. 1: Water district remediation
By leveraging advanced modeling techniques and continuously updating key actuarial assumptions, the estimation of PFAS liabilities can be improved in real time as this emerging risk evolves.

Managing risk and liabilities arising from PFAS
In a Q&A with Financier Worldwide Magazine, we discuss the evolving litigation of PFAS and the difficulty facing insurers in analysing coverage issues.

Why insurers should develop strategies for estimating PFAS loss reserves
While much is still unknown about the impact of PFAS on insurance liabilities, there is likely enough information to develop strategies to estimate reserves.

Coal mining black lung claims: A struggling industry
One in 10 underground coal miners who worked for at least 25 years have black lung disease, according to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Mysteries underlying black lung liabilities
The unusual liabilities of black lung require actuarial and case reserving models that are truly unique.

Critical Point Episode 23: Managing the costs and risks of black lung disease
Black lung disease presents a significant, long-term liability exposure for coal companies, risk pools, and governments, as Milliman consultants Christine Fleming and Travis Grulkowski discuss in this episode of Critical Point.

If you contract COVID-19 at work, is that a compensable worker’s compensation claim?
The COVID-19 pandemic is raising many questions regarding what is a compensable workers’ compensation claim.