Health & Group Benefits Communication
What you say and how you say it matters

Benefits branding

Annual enrollment

Total benefits website

Virtual benefit fairs

Wellness program promotion
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Virtual or in-person benefit education
Health & Group Benefits Communication resources
Messaging formula added up to open enrollment success
We transitioned to new benefit carriers for the first time in two decades, including a new medical plan administrator and prescription drug provider.
Seven simple steps to a stress-free enrollment
When it comes to open enrollment, communication matters.
Client case study: Milliman Open Enrollment
For the first time in two decades, Milliman planned to transition to new benefit carriers, including a new medical plan administrator and prescription drug provider.
Press release
Milliman wins two international employee communication awards recognizing outstanding achievement in benefits communication
The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) recognizes Milliman with two 2022 Gold Quill Awards
HR Communication Services
HR Communication
Strategic solutions that connect, impact and empower
HR Communication Services
Total Benefits Website
Engage employees in benefits with year-round communication