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Guaranteed standard issue individual DI: profitability through participation

ByAnne Mitchell
5 October 2011

Guaranteed standard issue (GSI) programs are becoming increasingly common. According to Milliman’s 4th Annual Survey of the U.S. Individual Disability Income Insurance Market, 15% of individual disability insurance sales in 2009 were issued through a GSI program, up from 11% in 2004.

In a GSI program, the insurance carrier agrees to issue individual disability income policies, without substandard ratings or exclusions, to a group of employees as long as they have been actively at work fulltime for a specified period of time. Traditional medical underwriting screens are not utilized. Financial underwriting is based on an employer-provided census rather than on tax returns or other financial documentation.

Why would carriers be willing to offer coverage on a GSI basis? And what are the important drivers of profitability for these programs? The answer to both of these questions is related to the anti-selection that is inherent in individual insurance products and the practices that can be followed to minimize it.

Published in the October 2011 issue of Health Insurance Underwriter.

About the Author(s)

Anne Mitchell

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