Employee benefits on the U.S. Supreme Court’s docket
ByMilliman Employee Benefits Research Group
27 February 2015
Employee benefits on the U.S. Supreme Court’s docket
The Supreme Court has heard—and will hear—several cases that may be of interest for plan sponsors. On March 4, the Court will hear arguments on whether the federal premium tax credit subsidies available under the ACA are available to people in all states or only to those buying coverage in states with a state-run exchange. On February 24, the Court heard arguments on whether 401 (k) plan participants may file a suit challenging the retirement plan’s fiduciaries’ actions that took place before the six-year statute of limitations period allowed under ERISA for filing a claim. The Court will also consider the constitutionality of state laws barring same-sex marriages and the recognition of same-sex marriages lawfully performed out of state, though oral arguments have not yet been scheduled.