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A series of practical papers on Interest Rate Risk Management under Solvency II Part 2: Impact of the DLT assessment

ByJosh Dobiac, Maarten Ruissaard, Dmitry Zamkovoy, and Freek Zandbergen
22 February 2021

For this second paper in this series, we turn to exploring the Deep, Liquid and Transparent (DLT) assessment conducted by the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in 2016-2018. This report provides an update to that assessment to include market data over the last few years. It also explores how changes in that assessment may impact setting the last-liquid point (LLP) and alternative extrapolation weights. We discuss how these changes will have practical implications for hedging. Specifically, changes to the LLP and first smoothing point (FSP) are likely to require substantial hedge portfolio rebalancing, especially around the LLP/FSP.

About the Author(s)

Josh Dobiac

Maarten Ruissaard

Dmitry Zamkovoy

Freek Zandbergen

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