Raji Bhagavatula
Principal & Consulting Actuary
New York, NY, US
Raji is a principal and consulting actuary in the New York office of Milliman. She joined the firm in 1990.
Raji advises clients in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, pricing, reserving, strategic planning, and general management. Raji is most recognized for her work in the evaluation of asbestos, pollution, and other latent injury liabilities for both insurance companies and insureds.
Raji’s client base includes large global insurance and reinsurance companies as well as Fortune 500 companies. She is the managing partner on many global reserving and due diligence assignments.
Publications and Presentations
Raji is a frequent speaker at industry meetings. She has authored many papers and articles on reserving topics, including asbestos and pollution.
Professional Designations
- Fellow, Casualty Actuarial Society
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- Masters, Mathematics, Osmania University, India
- Raji has served on several Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and American Academy of Actuaries (AAA) committees, including the AAA Mass Tort Subcommittee, the CAS Committee on Reserves, and the CAS Examination Committee. She also served on the AICPA task force on mass tort liabilities.
- Raji served as the chairperson of the Actuarial Standards Board (ASB) Subcommittee on Reserving which under her leadership produced Actuarial Standard of Practice 43 – Property/casualty unpaid claim estimates and a revised edition of Actuarial Standard of Practice 36 – Statements of actuarial opinion regarding property/casualty loss and loss adjustment expense reserves.
Read their latest work
The P&C industry in the midst of COVID-19: Q2 2020 results
11 September 2020 - by Raji Bhagavatula, Mark Goldburd, Manyi Luo, Jason Russ
For the second quarter of 2020, the property and casualty insurance industry published financials that show a decline in net premium, mainly attributable to COVID-19.
The current impact of legacy losses
21 July 2020 - by Raji Bhagavatula, Mark Goldburd, Jason Russ
It’s important to consider the impact of potential legacy losses not only in the context of establishing an appropriate reserve, but to form a view of the load for mass torts needed to price current policy years.
P&C industry data shows deteriorating trends for general liability
23 August 2019 - by Raji Bhagavatula, Mark Goldburd, Manyi Luo, Jason Russ
The U.S. property and casualty insurance industry as a whole has experienced significant deterioration in loss ratios for general liability in calendar years 2015 to 2018.
Not over yet: the current asbestos liability environment
01 April 2007 - by Raji Bhagavatula
A crisis for asbestos defendants and the insurance companies that covered them occurred during the years 2000 through 2003. Defendant asbestos companies witnessed their annual claim filings and expenditures increase significantly. An overwhelming number of filings were made by unimpaired
Asbestos: A moving target
01 November 2002 - by Raji Bhagavatula, Jason Russ
Asbestos is one of the most mature mass torts, with litigation to date spanning over 30 years. In spite of this, projecting the financial responsibility that will fall on the shoulders of the asbestos defendants, and the insurance companies that