Making it count
Rising above the fray
Understanding healthcare costs in the US: The employer-sponsored insurance system
Understanding healthcare costs in the US: Medicare Advantage
Milliman Affordable Care Act insight
Preexisting conditions: A primer
This article discusses why the coverage of preexisting conditions is a key issue in health insurance, particularly with respect to affordability and sustainability, and outlines varying approaches to addressing it.
Building blocks: Block grants, per capita caps, and Medicaid reform
Medicaid reform has the potential to affect more people than any other source of coverage. In this paper, we have broken down the detailed considerations into two primary categories: initial benchmark development and annual growth rates.
Has the ACA death spiral kicked the bucket?
This article reviews ACA rates, enrollment, and morbidity to determine the likelihood of a death spiral occurring in the ACA marketplace.
Congress asked nine questions about single payer. Here are 27 answers.
In recent weeks, single-payer healthcare proposals have begun to emerge in Congress. While much of the attention during the single-payer discussion has been on specific proposals, Milliman has tried to take a broader view.