Healthcare risk adjustment
ACA data submissions are complex, frustrating, and prone to errors.
Effective ACA EDGE server management requires following and understanding mountains of CMS rules, specifications, and guidance—all while hitting deadlines over months of effort. Submitting incomplete or erroneous information can cost millions in revenue.
Full-service ACA EDGE submissions backed by a transparent, proven approach
The EDGE ASSIST process, backed by Milliman’s deep risk-adjustment expertise, maximizes ACA risk transfers while ensuring compliance with CMS regulations. Our transparent solution covers the entire ACA EDGE cycle, including data ingestion and validation, submission, error identification, and assistance with supplemental diagnoses. We support these technical activities and analytics with our vast knowledge of the ACA risk-adjustment program to ensure accurate data and appropriate member risk scores.
Milliman has the expertise to maintain your EDGE server, including contracting, configuring, acquiring CMS provisioning software, and registering. Upon successful completion of data processing and reconciliation, we will complete the submission process by properly transforming the data and loading it into the EDGE production environment.
Continuous process
We have a continuous process for reviewing and reconciling EDGE submissions and will work with you to ensure each submission passes our daily quality standards. We will also help you track your data over time and identify patterns, before your data reaches EDGE, to uncover signals of systemic weaknesses in your overall data management process.
Additionally, Milliman brings clarity to error reports through precise summaries of these errors paired with direct action items as part of a larger strategic plan for correcting errors and improving data quality. We can identify the errors offering the most potential risk score value to help your team effectively deploy and allocate resources.
Related insight
Products related to EDGE ASSIST
Integrated Medical and Pharmacy Record Optimization and Validation Engine (IMPROVE)
IMPROVE combines your detailed claim and enrollment information with a proprietary algorithm to uncover opportunities to investigate undocumented or unsupported conditions or encourage enrollees to schedule annual wellness visits.
Milliman Advanced Risk Adjusters
Fuel population health analytics and manage risk adjustment with our award-winning suite of tools and data.
Adopt the healthcare industry’s leading platform for data warehousing and healthcare analytics.
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We’re here to help you break through complex challenges and achieve next-level success.