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Deep water

Complex and unpredictable, flood hazards have typically been insured only by state or federal agencies and a select few private companies. Today, advanced modelling and data innovation are enabling the emergence of more options for those at risk.

Reducing risk

A growing challenge

As climate change increases flood risk, market response becomes ever more urgent. Combining property insurance ratemaking, advanced underwriting technologies, and pricing and profitability analysis, today’s flood insurance market is advancing toward a brighter future.


Related Milliman products

Premium comparison platform
Premium comparison platform


Identify new market sectors, pinpoint adverse selection, and make better pricing decisions with a web-based premium comparison tool.

Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics


Analyse a wide range of claims data to identify those likely to incur high costs, helping optimise management and reduce costs.

Risk analytics and reporting
Geographic rating insights


Milliman PinPoint lets insurers cost effectively evaluate, price, and market residential and flood products using geospatial information.


Related Milliman services

Catastrophe reserving and loss reserve verification

Complex risk assessment

Enterprise risk management

Flood insurance

Predictive analytics solutions

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